Refrigerator M416 LVL 5 530 clothes 155 rifle shells Royal Pass (MAX):- S17,S18,S19,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11,M12,M13,M14,M15,M16,M17,M18,M19 , M20 (47 RP), M22, A1, A2. Set of clothes - 180 Clothes - 350 Parachute - 50 Airplane - 18 Grenade - 38 Backpack - 28 Helmet - 27 Gun skin - 155 Car skin - 14 Emote - 77 [Legendary Emote 31] Character - Andy, Carlo, Sarah, Riley, Victor [MAX] Playing days - 4 years Achievement point - 5000 The highest rank - Fatih Played - 4300 Title - C4S10 PUBG Conqueror, Legendary Mod, Favorite, Collector, Overachiever, Perseverance, Perfectionist, Thanks for being with us, Trustworthy, Season 18 Ace.